Thursday, April 22, 2010

8 Days ?!?!?!?

That's right, in 8 days I will be making the journey home. That doesn't seem possible!! And it's such a mix of emotion....I can't wait to see my family....Im exited to graduate (although there's quite a bit of work on my portfolio that needs to be done before that happens!)....but it's like I'm just getting use to things here. One of my students asked me the other day "Miss De Cleene, do you really have to go home?" But enough of that for now; I want to tell you about my week.
Monday went well. I had a good chat with my class about how things could have been handled better and what I did wrong and should have done. I think it went well, and I was really pleased with how well they did on their final project (they acted out scenes from a book). The whole situation was a real learning experience for all of us.
I also said by to my friend Kathleen this week. She was the other student teacher in the Elementary. It was such a blessing to have another student teacher here, and I thank God for her friendship.We went out to eat one of her last nights here (Spanish-Mexican:). It was all the El. Ed teachers plus me (they were nice enough to invite me!:). We would go on walks and chat; I will miss having her around.
I have also really enjoyed my time with Merry. We teach and work in the same classroom, and then we hang out at night and watch a movie or an old Murder She Wrote. I have learned a lot from her, and her love for God is so clear. Even though she is in her 60s, she relates well to her students-they love her! And she never comes out of her room in the morning until she has had her time in God's Word. She also pushes me, which is not always comfortable, but so good for me!
Emily,the girl I asked you to pray for that just found out she had diabetes, is home now. I think she's doing ok, but still overwhelmed. Please keep her in your prayers.
This is basically my last weekend in Spain, and I think Sat. I am getting together with the jovenes (young people) of the church I have been attending. I have to admit, Im a little nervous because I don't know too many of the people, and the ones I do know not super well, but I think it will be a great way to spend my last Saturday. But your prayers for that would be appreciated too :) That's all for now. Gracias por tus oraciones:)

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the rest of your time and make the most of the opportunities God supplies!! Excited to see you soon! Your Holland sis :)
