Sunday, June 19, 2011

You know how when you're in a big group of people, and you don't really know any of them, you're just kind of quiet? Ok well I know everyone is not like that, but I certainly am. Yesterday Jorge and Cris had a big family get together for Father's Day. In the morning it was fun because I helped them in the kitchen and got to know her family a little bit. However, when we sat down at the table, I became a little overwhelmed. Close to 20 members of her family were around, and there were so many conversations going on that I didn't know where to listen. I don't think I understood much of anything, and I didn't say much either. I kind of felt stupid because I wasn't understanding and communicating very well, but days like that are bound to come. A little later my friend Andres came and picked me up, and we went to his church for the jovenes (college age) get together. We had 8 of us all together, and we basically played Wii the whole time. Though I am not talented in playing the Wii, it was fun. Afterwards we met up with another friend and his fiance. We caught up and talked about life and travel experiences.I think I do better in small groups of people, but towards the end of the day, nothing came out quite like I wanted. Pray that I have patience-this is definitely helping kill the perfectionist side of myself.
I also have a prayer request for the next few days (till Wednesday). Later on this afternoon I will be meeting up with the Pastor from Tia Ruthie's church. I will be accompanying a small group of Americans (a few people from the church too) on their mission's trip. Where exactly we are going, and what exactly I am doing, I have no idea. I know we're traveling on bus, and I know it's a little warmer where we are going. Please pray for this time. I am sure it will be a good experience-God's in control. I will be sure to tell you all about it when I return. Thanks again for all your prayers.

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